Anthony Capati
Manager: Review of Records Department
Anthony “Anthon” A. Capati is the Manager of eData’s Review of Records Department. He oversees the production of medical, legal and other technical record reviews, summaries and abstracts as well as the summarization of sub-rosa films. Anthon coordinates the day to day operations of the department, often interfacing with clients and their needs.
He is also actively involved in marketing eData’s various services, and has represented eData in trade shows and conventions including the annual conferences of the Southern California Orthopaedic Association (COA) and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). Anthon has years of experience abstracting medical-legal records, and an expert in editing medical records and deposition summaries and reviews. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Therapy and has completed his executive training at the Asian Institute of Management, under its Management Development Program. Anthon is based in eData’s Manila Office.