AMA Impairment Ratings

Fast and accurate AMA rating calculations from doctors trained on the latest AMA Guides

eData Services' doctors are well-versed on all sections of the AMA Guides as well as the appropriate scenarios to apply Almaraz-Guzman in California cases.

Understanding impairment ratings, the difference between impairments and disability, and all of the extended information surrounding impairment ratings is critical. When healthcare providers have insufficient time to dedicate to calculating ratings, all involved parties – patients, employers, insurance carriers, etc – face potential financial risk.

eData has trained experts dedicated to providing impairment ratings that are authoritative, fair, and equitable to all parties. Our ratings are transparent, clearly stated, and reproducible.

Choose the level of service that meets your unique needs:

AMA Impairment Rating

eData provides AMA Impairment Ratings based on healthcare provider reports. We consider the following when determining our ratings:

  • Medical history
  • Medical records
  • Examination findings
  • Lab results
  • Radiological studies
  • Job description analysis
  • Functional capacity assessment
  • Recommendations by the physician including an Almaraz-Guzman assessment

We provide you with detailed annotations and explanations that directly reference the AMA Guides so that you can quickly and confidently interpret each rating.

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Our AMA Impairment Rating Pricing:

for 2 permanent disability (PD) strings and up to 25 pages of records
for each additional PD string
for each additional page

AMA Impairment Rating Review and Analysis

eData also analyzes other third party healthcare providers’ impairment rating for accuracy. Our analysis includes an unbiased, annotated review that outlines errors, inconsistencies and alternative methodologies. Our detailed annotations provide explanations that directly reference the AMA Guides so that you can quickly and confidently interpret our detailed analysis.

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Our AMA Impairment Rating Review and Analysis Pricing

for 2 permanent disability (PD) strings and up to 25 pages of records
for each additional PD string
for each additional page

California Permanent Disability (PD) Rating

PD rating in California begins with an accurate Impairment Rating. PD ratings are calculated by multiplying the Impairment Rating by three separate modifiers: future earning capacity (FEC), occupation and age. Apportionment issues are then factored in.

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AMA Impairment Rating Benefits

Expert Understanding of the AMA Guides

eData Services' Impairment Ratings Specialists are medical doctors that have trained on the 5th and 6th Editions of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. Our doctors are well-versed on all sections of the Guides as well as the appropriate scenarios to apply Almaraz-Guzman.

Efficient and Accurate Results

We provide you with your ratings and reviews within 3 business days, however if you need your rating within an even shorter timeframe, we provide more immediate turnarounds at no additional cost. While we primarily process ratings for California, we are able to service any state or organization that utilizes the AMA Guides to analyze Whole Person Impairments.

Let's discuss how we can help you!

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